How to write a great, content-wise blog even if you’re not ready.
Most of the time, most of the people would always have excuses as to why they can’t do blog (digital writing).
Most of the reasons were “It’s not my passion”, “It’s not what I love”, “It’s not interesting”, “I have no idea about it”, “I don’t know how to start” and anything in between similar to these excuses.
That said, it leads me back to asking the right question to address this major concern. It’s NOT primarily of a question as to WHY YOU’RE GOING TO DO BLOG or write. But the more important question to ask that must be answered first is, “DO I HAVE THE RIGHT MINDSET/perspectuve/approach to write a blog post?” And if the answer is “No” or a “HARD NO” two times in a row, better yet, you have to turn your brain 360 degrees, means you gotta DECIDE TO CHANGE (hard decision to make btw).
To put into writing an idea that has an essence or great idea CANNOT BE PREDICTED totally, in terms of “how many ideas you got”, “how long you can have ideas”, “how long you’ve been writing/blogging”. They can ONLY be contributing FACTORS. It can be measured PRIMARILY on how an idea can be put into “tangible thing or application”, I’d have to bring this into argument if so. To cut the chase, to put IDEA into CREATION, here are concrete examples:
to REVOLUTIONIZE HAND-HELD DEVICE EXPERIENCE, Steve innovated, created iPhone,
to CONNECT PEOPLE more than, Mark created FACEBOOK,
to allow people TO DO BE PRODUCTIVE more than even, Bill created MICROSOFT,
to FAVOR HUMANITY to be space-faring civilisation, to be one among the stars soon, Elon created SPACEX
to make people FINANCIALLY LITERATE, Robert wrote/published RICH DAD, POOR DAD
Coz’ your BELIEF SYSTEM will show in your BEHAVIOR, it will then be your HABIT, then into your LIFESTYLE, then build your CHARACTER, and DEFINES WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
For the record, TLDR, “YOU CAN DO BLOG SO AS LONG AS YOU HAVE THE RIGHT MINDSET” regardless of your excuses.